We are pleased to announce that in June 2023, the experimental plant on the ISWA premises for the irrigation of 24 ivy modules went into operation. With great efforts, a complex experimental facility was set up by ISWA staff. A total of 3 tanks with retention function are located on the ISWA site, each of which receives precipitation runoff from a green roof, a bitumen roof, and parking and street areas. From these tanks plus a groundwater pipe for referencing, 24 ivy modules are irrigated. For each tank, 6 ivy modules are irrigated by means of an irrigation system controlled by HELIX Pflanzensysteme with different amounts of water each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning.

Since the commissioning of the plant, regular sampling for quality analyses (organics, COD, TOC, turbidity, pH, etc.) has been carried out by ISWA. Water balances are prepared for the ivy modules by determining the leachate quantities of the ivy modules and the precipitation. Studies on the growth of the ivy and thus on the influence of various parameters such as water quantity and water quality on the ivy itself are carried out concomitantly by HELIX Pflanzensysteme. The filling levels of the tanks are regularly recorded in order to be able to make statements about water balances (inflow, withdrawal, overflows), discharge coefficients etc. of the individual tanks. For this purpose, the water level-dependent outflows of the retention throttles of the tanks were determined in advance.